Start: Omis
Destination: Omis
Distance: 155 km
Altitude: 6570 m
Time limit: 45:00 STD
This year the ultra trail marathon held for the second time in OMIS / Dalmatia.The incredible range of 155 km with over 6570 m must cope in a maximum time of 45 hours. 15 from Austria go 76 participants at the start. The Slovenian champion needed for the former route of 161 km and 5960 m 22:39 hours
The Styrian runner Rene Fahrengruber from Kalsdorf bei Graz will arise with starting number 14 of this challange. Perfectly prepared for this race, René will go on 20 October at 15:00 in OMIS at the start. René has undertaken is a time for this range need not over 24 hours.
The team of “Mozart ointment” wishing René good luck and perseverance, and we keep you on the running!
Live can go into the running event times see: take www.stotinka.hr/eng/race/1138 and permanent results understanding.